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Fireplaces are an important part of a home and must be maintained just like everything else in your home to prevent allergies and illnesses like black lung disease caused by unwanted soot buildup. The Cleaning Ladies will vacuum or dust the hearth area to remove any dust or soot buildup. We are careful to never use any abrasive cleanser inside the fireplace because many leave a flammable residue. Contact us today for additional details.


We all rely on our ovens to help us make delicious meals in the kitchen. But even with the utmost care, ovens still need to be cleaned regularly to avoid any possible dangers. Allow us to care for your oven on your next cleaning visit. Electric Oven


Your refrigerator is one of the hardest working appliances in your home and is often prone to getting real messy, real fast. It’s subject to spills, odors, and overcrowding. A clean refrigerator promises to keep food fresher and healthier for all. The Cleaning Ladies get the job done when it comes to maintaining the cleanliness of this kitchen workhorse. modern-american-fridge-freezer
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